Acupuncture 12 organ pulse Diagnosis
PULSE DIAGNOSIS – PART 1 Using the Wrist pulse to distinguish disease changes over the whole of the body... Generally the CUN pulse is used to diagnose diseases from the diaphragm to the crown, the GUAN pulse is used to diagnose diseases from the lower diaphragm up to naval and CHI pulse is used to diagnose diseases below naval. The three left positions are used for diseases on the left side of the body and the three right positions are used for diseases on the right side of the body. The upper position is used to diagnose the upper body, the middle position the middle body, the lower position the lower body, the left hand to diagnose the left side of the body and the right hand to diagnose the right side of the body. Thus the area and nature of the disease can be determined from the wrist pulse. For example, if the ribs on the left side of body are painful, the left Guan pulse will be wiry and tight PULSE POSITIONS LEFT -- AREA ...