Sushumna Nadi


Kundalini--- Nadis

Functioning Susumna Nadi takes you to higher realms of existence.  Susumna Nadi is said to pass along the central canal of the spinal cord through the fourth ventricle and ends up in the cerebral cortex and does not reach Brahma Randhra. The confluence of Ida, Pingala and Susumna Nadis  (Yamuna runs in Ida, Ganga  in Pingala,  and Sarasvati in Susumna) called Mukta Triveni separate at Ajna Chakra; Ida goes to the left nostril, the Pingala goes to the right nostril and Susumna (Brahma Nadi--anterior branch) after piercing through the palate (talu) goes to Sahasrara Chakra (Brahma Randhra). Susumna Nadi bifurcates into anterior and posterior branches below Ajna Chakra. The anterior branch courses through Ajna Chakra and has almost a straight upward course to Brahma Randhra (anterior fontanel area) and the posterior branch takes a detour backwards from below the Ajna Chakra possibly between two cerebellar lobes, courses anteriorly along the upper crest of the cerebrum and ends in Brahma Randhara. Remember that these branches are subtle and not physical. Susumna Nadi has connection with sympathetic nerves of the Celiac Plexus (Solar) -  Manipura Chakra, the third chakra around the navel area.  Susumna Nadi is Jnana Nadi because the Yogi who channels his Prana through Susumna gains Brahman knowledge. As the Ida and Pingala Nadis spiral around, they meet Susumna Nadi at the base, navel, heart and throat corresponding to Muladhara, Manipura, Anahata, and Visuddha Chakras. Pingala diverges from the throat and ends up in the right nostril and Ida in the left nostril. Ida and pingala Nadis work alternately just like the alternating autonomic patency of the nostrils. When the left Ida Nadi is patent it is the flow of lunar energy; it is the flow of solar energy through the patent Pingala Nadi. Susumna Nadi heads upwards. The right brain function is connected to and dependent on the patent lunar Ida Nadi and the left brain function to the patent solar Pingala Nadi. The Yogi can make all Nadis function simultaneously; the result is enlightenment. Right Pingala Solar energy controls prana (breath) and life; left Ida Lunar, consciousness; Susumna, spiritual awakening. Swami Satyananda Sarawati says that the dormant areas of the brain are awakened in intellectually gifted people. Most people are right-handed and left-brain and Pingala-Nadi dominant. Left brain functions are seen in all language skills, memory, math, science, safe conventional behavior, object-naming.  Right brain and Ida Nadi dominance is seen in global thinking, philosophy, religion, spatial perception, knowing object function, fantasy, impetuousness, risk-taking.


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